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5 Step Guide to Buy a Vaccine Refrigeration Unit

As with any temperature sensitive substances, vaccines need optimal conditions to maintain efficacy. This makes storing vaccines a daunting task considering all the potential risks. From temperature fluctuations within the refrigerator/freezer, power outages or simply leaving the units door open by accident. This is why the CDC and VFC have created such strict guidelines for ...

Vaccine Cold Storage & Monitoring Blogs

Power Outages in Your Lab or Medical Facility: 3 Essential Solutions to Protect Your Research & Samples

Introduction: Power outages can wreak havoc on your laboratory or medical facility, jeopardizing years of research and valuable samples or vaccines. It is crucial to prepare and have backup plans in place to mitigate the risks associated with power interruptions. In this article, we will explore three main solutions to safeguard your research and samples ...

Laboratory Cold Storage & Equipment Blogs

Understanding Refrigerator & Freezer Defrost Cycles

When purchasing a refrigerator or freezer for a clinical facility, research center, laboratory or even just for your home, most people do not take into consideration the types of refrigeration defrost cycles. What they do not realize is that storing temperature sensitive samples (especially vaccines or temperature critical samples) in the wrong defrost cycle can ...

Laboratory Cold Storage & Equipment Blogs, Laboratory Refrigeration Blogs

What to Consider Before Purchasing a Laboratory Freezer or Refrigerator

What you should be considering before purchasing a new Laboratory Freezer or Refrigerator Before hitting the ‘buy now’ button on a Laboratory Freezer or Refrigerator for your lab, doctor’s office, or research facility you should consider a few things in order to get the perfect cold storage unit for its intended purpose. With so many ...

Laboratory Refrigeration Blogs, ULT Freezer Blogs, Vaccine Cold Storage & Monitoring Blogs

Know the Difference: Thermostat vs. Thermometer Calibration

While storing temperature sensitive materials such as vaccines, it’s important to maintain strict temperatures. As a result, the CDC recommends using an NIST calibrated thermometer for each refrigerator or freezer that is used to store these sensitive materials. Although, a unit’s thermostat is often confused with a thermometer, therefore creating a common misconception that the ...
