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Class II Biological Safety Cabinets (BSC)

Class II biological safety cabinets (BSCs) are primary engineering controls that provide intermediate protection & safety for the laboratory worker and the surrounding environment from exposure to biological agents. They are used for handling pathogenic biological samples or applications requiring a sterile work zone. Class II Bio Safety Cabinets are designed to recirculate a portion of the air in the cabinet through HEPA filters to remove particulates and microorganisms.

They are also designed to protect the laboratory worker from exposure to the biological agents inside the workstation by creating a barrier between the worker and the agents. The airflow within the cabinet is designed to keep the agents contained and to prevent the release of agents into the surrounding environment. These Biological Safety Cabinets are characterized by a limited fixed inward air flow access opening which provides protection to the researcher. They also feature a vertical downward HEPA filtered work zone for product protection and a HEPA filtered exhaust for environmental protection.

Class II Bio Safety Cabinets come in two types: Type A and Type B. Type A BSCs provide personnel and environmental protection and are typically used for work with low-risk agents. Type B BSCs provide personnel, product and environmental protection and are typically used for work with moderate-risk agents. Class II Biological Safety Cabinets from NuAire are further classified into types based on the amount of air that is re-circulated in the cabinet.

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