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Rodent Restrainers

Rodent restrainers are designed to safely secure & immobilize rodents during lab animal procedures, such as injections or surgeries. Rodent restrainers securely hold the animal in place while allowing the researcher to perform the necessary procedures without causing unnecessary discomfort or harm to the animal. Two of the most common types of lab animal restrainers for rodents are the broome style and flat bottom. The broome style restrainer is one of the most effective style due to its ease of use, access to the rodent, prevention of the animals ability to turn and safety for the animal handler. Flat bottom restrainers have an adjustable tail stock with apertures in the top of bottom to provide easy access for injections or samples. Flat bottom restrainers also have pockets and holes in the front which make it easy to anesthetize or feed the animal. Choose from a variety of rodent restrainer options below from PLAS-LABS, or contact us today for more information on rodent restrainer options and details.