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AT VIlla Forte Adaptable Laboratory Furniture Systems
Item #: FORTE-ATV -
AT Villa Ergolab Mobile Laboratory Work Stations
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Mobile and modular laboratory furniture is designed to provide flexible and adaptable benching solutions to support the different work flow needs of any lab. Our mobile and modular lab systems from A.T. Villa are some of the most flexible on the market today and allow reconfigurations to be made quickly and easily as personnel or space requirements change. The Forte line is our “adaptable” solution with a simplistic yet ultra-durable construction designed for quick adjustments to be made. The Ergolab line is our “flexible” solution with a similar construction as the Forte, but features leveling casters designed to make adaptations extremely quick and easy. Both lines can be tailored to meet your lab requirements and can be easily integrated with fixed casework. Contact your lab furniture specialist to configure the right solution for your needs.
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