Experiments in a lab animal research facility typically involve applications that utilize lab carts, racks, cages, bottles, and other necessary tools to perform research. Within these studies the equipment may become soiled with no straight forward way of classifying these pieces of equipment. Some chose to use labels while others just simply separate clean equipment from the contaminated. But does this actually maintain equipment cleanliness? More importantly, is the contaminated equipment truly out of harm’s way?
To solve this issue many lab experts have been making the switch to Autoclavable Cart Covers.
Cart covers are becoming an essential feature for laboratories looking to achieve a higher level of cleanliness & organization. From animal housing, mobile racks and laminar flow equipment these covers are customizable to fit all sizes of equipment in order to provide a full protection barrier between the personnel and contaminated equipment. Designed with 100% polyester, heat resistant material, they are perfect for maintaining your labs desired level of equipment cleanliness following an autoclave sterilization cycle. The material used can withstand standard autoclave temperatures and come with a warranty of 1 year or 75 autoclave cycles.
Your lab has the option to choose from a variety of colors to distinguish soiled equipment from clean, label different types of equipment, or even select your corporate colors. If your company is looking to achieve a more “green”, environmental friendly approach, the cart covers are a perfect alternative to costly, disposable materials that need to be specially treated and processed before going to the landfill.
More Features:
- 100% Polyester
- Autoclavable
- Custom Embroidering
- Features ties, serged seams, #5 nickel zippers or Velcro (per request)
- Double thickness on all known wear points and corners
- Breathable material allows wet surfaces to dry
- Made in USA
- 15 Colors to select from:
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Contact us by clicking here, or give us a call at 1-800-521-0754.