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Filtered Chemical Storage Cabinets

Filtered chemical storage cabinets are specialized cabinets designed to store chemicals safely in laboratory or industrial settings. These cabinets are equipped with a variety of safety features to protect workers, the environment, and the chemicals themselves. One of the main features of these cabinets is the use of filters to capture and remove harmful vapors and fumes from the cabinet. The filters can be made of activated carbon, which absorbs organic chemicals, or HEPA filters, which capture particulate matter. Filtered storage cabinets from Erlab offer an ideal solution for any laboratory where flasks and bottles containing toxic or noxious chemicals pollute the lab air and take up valuable bench space. These cabinets provide continuous filtration of ambient air providing a safe storage solution for your chemicals and eliminating the inhalation of noxious vapors and odors. These cabinets are important for ensuring the safe handling and storage of chemicals in the workplace. For more information on filtered storage cabinets, select from a product below or contact us today.