Low Flow Chemical Fume Hoods | Flow Sciences
Item#: FUMEHOOD-FLOWThe Saf-T Flow™ fume hoods from Flow Sciences are designed for safe containment, reducing the user’s risk of exposure to hazardous or toxic fumes, vapors or particles. The Saf-T Flow Series uses the same overall design structure as standard fume hoods, but maximize simplicity in lab planning, layout and HVAC coordination, which easily allows the addition of any popular low-flow option without requiring expensive retrofits. Our laboratory fume hoods have a variety of energy-saving features that help to reduce the amount of wasted conditioned air and possible re-work. Additionally, these hoods have been designed and third-party tested at 100 FPM, 80 FPM, and 60 FPM using both ASHRAE 110-1995 and the Lawrence-Berkeley Human as Mannequin (HAM) test. These chemical fume hoods are available in standard sizes and types with the ability to custom design a hood tailored to your specifications.
Supplier: Flow Sciences
Tag: Laboratory Fume Hoods- Bypass system remains the same for all exhaust options
- The baffle is removable for cleaning
- Built-in scaffolding mounts
- Lift up airfoil
- Pull-out worktop
- Heavy gauge steel liner support system
- Chain driven counterweight
- Excellent ASHRAE 110 containment performance
Flow Sciences Product Brochure
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