Stainless Steel Canister 5-Place Frame for 50mL Blood Bags | Baxter Fenwal 4R9951 | CryoMACS 200-074-400 | Origen CS50 (50 mL) | CharterMed CF-50
Item#: CZF5-ZC060These stainless steel canister 5-place frames are specifically designed to hold the ZC060 canister for blood bag storage including: 5-Place Frame for Baxter Fenwal 4R9951, CryoMACS 200-074-400, Origen CS50 (50 mL), CharterMed CF-50
$58.62 $48.66
Supplier: LabRepCo Freezer Racks
- Dimensions: 5.25"D x 19.31"H x 0.56"L
- Material: stainless steel
- Capacity: 5 canisters
- Corrosion resistant
- Handles
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