In 3 steps determine the most appropriate ductless filtering fume hood for your application
Erlab’s top priority is the safety of our customers. The eValiquest validation platform provides Erlab the ability to analyze the chemical handlings in real-time, providing the efficiency study of the molecular filters performance, or filter life cycle. The filter efficiency is determined by the overall evaporation which will occur, based off handlings of each specific chemical and our filter retention capabilities of the cumulative chemicals used during each handling application. The retention capacity is based on an efficiency of 99% throughout the filter validated life cycle.
1) DESCRIBE YOUR APPLICATION: Select your application, list your chemicals and indicate their usage. | |
2) SELECT YOUR DUCTLESS FILTERING FUME HOOD: Visualize the most appropriate fume hood. | |
3) CONFIGURE YOUR MODEL: Accessorize your fume hood according to your needs. |
Start Your Experience
*tested and validation methods are in adherence to the AFNOR NFX 15 211 and ANSI z9. 5 standards*